Sunday, October 24, 2010

What is the Gospel

Go around your church and ask this question: "Could you explain the Gospel to me?" You will be definitely be surprised by the diversity in the answers you get. Try explaining the gospel to your friends and see!

I for one had no idea where to start when a friend of mine asked me that question. I didn't really know what to talk about. Do I tell them about church? I think sin comes into the picture somewhere... Do I bring up hell and judgement? What do I say about the Holy Spirit? Most of the time, I just keep quiet and say nothing. "It's been raining quite heavily these few days, hasn't it?" I politely shift the topic.

It wasn't till much later when I picked up this pamphlet at a conference when I realised that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was so much more simpler than I thought it was!

Click here to check out what I learnt. Personally, this has changed the way I understood Christianity as well as the way I approach non-Christians. I now know what my trust is built on, and I can confidently say that I'm not ashamed of it!

Why Hell is Integral to the Gospel

The mention of the word 'hell' is enough to earn you a barrage of nasty comments when discussing Christianity with your friends. "It's harsh, it shows that God is unloving, a kind and gracious God cannot possibly do such a thing, this is the church's way of keeping people under their control." These would be common ideas which pop up when you mention hell. We are so ashamed of it that some people in church even deny its existence.

Despite all that, the hell in the Bible is very different from what most people understand it to be! To read further regarding this topic, go here.