Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Food for Thought

Hello there readers! I'm new on this blog and I thought I'd break the ice with some food for thought.

Open your Bible with me and let's take a look at the book of Judges 6:11-18. This is the calling of Gideon, a well known Man for God. Let's take a look at his character:

1. He was a hard-working man, in spite of his fear, as seen in verse 11.

2. He was also strong and courageous as Gideon was called a 'Mighty Warrior' in the following verse, though verse 13 shows us he was more of a worrier than a warrior. However, God see potential in His grace and addresses Gideon as a hero!

3. He was distressed that the Lord had left Israel.

4. Verse 15 shows us that Gideon was also a very humble man.

In spite all his qualities, Gideon found it really hard to believe that God was actually calling him. He was blind to his own strengths, and saw only his weaknesses and flaws. His humility was outstanding, but perhaps he was too slow in responding to God's calling.

Do you think you are a nobody? God uses people with weaknesses! This excerpt shows us that the Lord sees us differently from how we see ourselves. If He called Gideon, why shouldn't He call you? Don't let your low self-esteem hinder you from responding to chances to serve God! See what the Bible has to say in Jeremiah 1:4-10!

Take a look at Judges 6, verses 12, and 16. What is the recurring theme? It was the Lord reassuring Gideon that He will be with him. With this assurance, Gideon's flaws meant nothing! However, we have to examine our own 'strong' faith and readiness to get to work; are we so quick on our feet because our confidence is in our own ability, rather than that deep dependence on God's work in our lives? In Exodus 33:12-17, especially v15, Moses shows us the right attitude we should carry!

Therefore, come rain or shine be not discouraged, for we carry out God's work not by our own strength, but rather the Lord's.


Unknown said...

For those interested in for more fodder for thought, feel free to visit and download sermons for free:
